Professional Remodelling and Hardscape Services
Paver Replacement in Santa Monica CA

Hardscape, Remodelling & Design

Quality you can see and afford

Paver Replacement in Santa Monica CA

If you want to learn more about the recent projects our team completed, read the work reports below and see how our experts can help you with all sorts of paver and pillar installation and replacement projects.

BBQ Island in Ocean Park | S&P Los Angeles

BBQ Island

Customer Issue: Had a very small backyard patio and wanted to add a BBQ station for weekend cookouts.
Our Solution: As the patio was very small but adjacent to the indoors-dining area, our team chose to create a simple and practical built-in grill station protected with fire-resistant pavers, and accessible to the cook and the diners. The natural stone structure was built around an 8-foot grill island, with a safe connection to gas and electricity.

Philip Bass - Ocean Park
Broken Paver Replacement | S&P Hardscape Remodeling Los Angeles | Santa Monica

Broken Paver Replacement

Customer Issue: Broken pavers in the driveway needed to be replaced.
Our Solution: Seeing as the driveway was built out of standard brick pavers, the replacement and repair project was relatively simple to complete. We inspected the entire area and then removed the damaged units and replaced them with similar sized ones of a matching style. We then applied a brick sealer across the area to protect the driveway from moisture.

Bryan Tate - Santa Monica
Stamped Concrete Driveway Installation | S&P Hardscape Remodeling Los Angeles | Mid-City West

Stamped Concrete Driveway Installation

Customer Issue: Wanted to create the look and texture of flagstone pavers with a long-lasting and economic alternative that didn't require as much maintenance.
Our Solution: Our team used stamped concrete to reproduce the look and aesthetics of a natural stone driveway. The process involved pouring tinted cement and using special equipment to impress the desired texture and pattern before complete drying.

Frederick Stephenson - Mid-City West
Wall and Pillar Installation | S&P Hardscape Remodeling Los Angeles | Santa Monica

Wall and Pillar Installation

Customer Issue: Mr. Steele wanted to add a wall with pillars around his patio to create a defined and enclosed outdoor kitchen.
Our Solution: Our team built a wall surrounding the patio with a set of interlocking pillars. The new structure extends from the house along the driveway and includes special seating arrangements, per the customer's request.

Brady Steele - Santa Monica
Commercial & Residential Pavers

Commercial & Residential Pavers

A wide selection of hardscape services near Los Angeles available for both homes and businesses.
Professional Team

Professional Team

Get help from a local paver installation contractor near you.
Personal Touch

Personal Touch

Beautiful hardscape pavers with a hand-crafted look and colorful patterns.
High Quality Work

High Quality Work

Expert paver remodeling projects, from backyard patios to driveways and pool decks.

For any question or concern, feel free to contact our team! Please leave your contact information below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


We want to make sure each and every one of our customers is 100% satisfied with our work. When you hire us you enjoy competitive prices, professional services, and beautiful results every time!

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Apr 1, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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